People walk through the Kontor Family Office. The shot ist blurry

Illiquid investments –
no longer an insider tip.

Many of our clients don’t just use Kontora for holistic wealth management. They also draw on our investment office’s expertise to develop and grow their wealth.

Our clients benefit from our infrastructure, outstanding skill set, robust risk management, and attractive, illiquid deals. Our services are no longer an insider tip.

money growth sketchnote

The right portfolio

When it comes to protecting wealth, it’s private equity and venture capital that are particularly efficient asset classes. Why are they missing from many portfolios?

Because access to them is restricted and that also goes for high-net-worth individuals too. This is where our contacts to the world’s most successful asset managers pay dividends. If they can offer the rare crème de la crème of investment opportunities, we are given access despite minimum investments of ten million USD. Because we can bundle capital.

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Less correlation, more resilience

Less correlation, more resilience

A resilient portfolio: Minimal correlation between asset classes.

In addition to corporate investments and commitments in the real estate sector, we also recommend alternative investments, which include financial instruments as diverse as loans or investments in areas such as forestry.

Four people sit at a conference table at the Kontora Family Office
A man and a woman sitting at a table, smiling and looking at a laptop

A source of pride.

In the 15 years since we were founded, our clients have realised over 230 investments. Some 95 percent of the investments we screened were successful. An average IRR of 14.5 percent illustrates the quality of our deal sourcing.

A man and a woman sitting at a table, smiling and looking at a laptop

How we invest

Sourcing: Continually digging and rejecting deals.

We only invest in what we understand. Luckily, that’s quite a lot. We scrutinise several thousand investments a year and only put a maximum of 20 to our clients.

A woman sitting happily at her work desk
A Man standing behind a glass wall in the office. He himself ist noch clearly identifiable

Stringent criteria govern how we select the best asset managers.

We believe it’s important that asset managers invest their own money and have an outstanding track record. At the same time, we ensure effective mechanisms are in place to limit losses in the worst-case scenario.

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At Kontora, investments are subject to a rigorous selection process. You can find up-to-date examples from various asset classes and everything you need to know here.

Seefried Industrial Properties, a large, flat, grey building

Seefried Industrial Properties: Real Estate – Project Developments

Seefried, a leading U.S. developer, developed a logistics property in Tampa that sold at >20% IRR after 2 years.

The Seefried Investment
Four Men in orange vests and hardhats standing on a construction site

Avara Residential Fund II: Real Estate – Properties

Avara team in Finland optimizes and manages properties through IT-based strategies, generates around 6% p.a. distributions and targets >11% IRR.

The A.R.F. II Investment
Patrick Maurenbrecher standing next to another man at a window at baring

Baring Private Equity Asia in Asia Pacific - Private Equity

Baring invests in Asia Pacific, specifically in companies valued at $500 million and above, diversifies geographically and across industries, and targets >15% IRR.

The Baring Investment
A telephone tower from below

Primevest Communication Infrastructure - Alternative Investments

The fund invests in telecom infrastructure in DE and NL, buys networks with usage contracts, generates stable cash flows and plans resale.

The PCI-Fund Investment
A Container Port filmed from high above

Container leasing with Buss Global Group - Alternative investments

Kontora clients and Buss Global Group acquired a fleet of containers and leased them. After four years, they sold them at 40% IRR.

The Container Investment

The digital world

A MacBook fotographed in a cut angle. The screen emitts cyan and peach colours

To achieve outstanding results, human skills and understanding are vital, even in the digital age. We use technical innovations and tools, that don’t just make jobs, but lives easier as well.

Patrick looking at the camera laugh lines
paper plane

Contact person

“What’s the response when clients are just seeking investments? You find excellent investments.”

Dr. Patrick Maurenbrecher


+49 40 3290 888-0

paper plane

Phone: +49 40 3290 888-0